PITTAWAYS |botanical gardens family sessionFebruary 7, 2014

posted in Family Photoshoots

There’s nothing I enjoy more on a weekend than a family session – and the Pittaways were just too lovely for words! Mariana, Tulsa & little Keenan are the perfect little family and I’m still impressed with how eagerly Keenan posed for the camera!

The session ended off with a casual picnic at the botanical gardens and Tulsa entertained us with some relaxed guitar playing. It was great fun! Here’s some shots from their session:

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RONNIE & TREVOR | botanical gardens e-sessionJanuary 25, 2013

posted in E-shoots

I am so excited about Ronnie & Trevor’s wedding in March 2013! They booked me way in advance and naturally due to all the e-mails and conversations my anticipation for their wedding day has grown tremendously. These two really are a perfect match! They’ve even been tested by a difficult fight with cancer but their relationship has proven to be untouchable. I had so much fun on their engagement session. They just make such a lovely couple – the photo opportunities just come naturally!

Here’s Ronnie’s version of their love story:

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